As social media has grown and the world has begun craving instant entertainment, short videos have become the go-to. However, as times continue to change, people are now gravitating towards longer, documentary-style videos. Long-form videos are making a comeback. But why? Is this something your business should explore?
1. They use a storyline to drive the video.
Nowadays, people want to hear a story. Perhaps one of the best examples is when REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) created Paul’s Boots. This nearly 40-minute-long video tells a heartwarming story of a man named Paul and all the people who have helped him through his journey. While there is no direct mention of REI or their products aside from the boots, this video showcases the best parts of their brand. The feeling of community is evident throughout, and it leaves viewers with the warm fuzzies.
This is the idea of long-form videos – appealing to your audience and giving them a positive view of your brand.
2. Seamless brand integration.
The most important thing to remember when producing long-form videos is maintaining originality and authenticity. You’re creating this video to represent and advertise your brand – don’t try to cover that up. Staying honest and transparent with your audience is a guaranteed way to gain their trust, and that trust can drive them to work with your company.
At the same time, though, don’t let it become a drawn-out infomercial. Your video doesn’t need to include every feature of every product or service you offer. Instead, make your brand practical: showcase situations your audience may find themselves in that would require them to contact you.
3. Engagement.
In order for long-form videos to be successful for your brand, you need an attentive audience. Statistics show that the average United States adult spends 6 hours per day watching videos. That doesn’t mean make a 6 hour video – in fact, please don’t. But this information does show that people are willing to take the time to sit down and watch the content you’re creating.
There are many brands who have been able to use humor to keep the watch time high on their videos. When your audience is engaged with your video and laughing, they’ll form a more positive opinion of your brand. They’ll remember your brand for giving them a good feeling, and that can drive sales.
4. Attention span.
Take a look at the average length of videos on YouTube and IGTV. You’ll see that many popular creators have made the switch to longer videos, simply because they understand that their audience is craving them. The demographic your brand caters to may be craving the same thing.
It appears that the average attention span for many people watching videos has gotten longer; the best way to grab your audience’s attention is to hook them in at the beginning. If you have a strong beginning, people will want to stick around and hear what you have to say!
If long-form videos seem like something your brand should delve into, now is a better time than ever. Not sure if this is the form of marketing you should be pursuing? Contact our marketing experts here at Blackwood Creative. We’ll be happy to guide you in the right direction to showcase your business to a wider audience.