Many individuals and brands have an Instagram theme that they swear by. They claim it helps boost engagement, and it maintains a consistent look for that particular brand. But does having an Instagram theme really make that much of a difference? Do you need an Instagram theme for yourself or your business? Let’s explore.
1. What is an Instagram theme?
Essentially, an Instagram theme is a coherent look for every photo on a profile. For example, if every photo on someone’s profile is black and white, that can be considered a theme. Along the same vein, if someone’s profile has a lot of a particular color in each photo, that can be considered a theme as well. In other words, if every photo has a reddish tint or a green background, that would be the profile’s theme.
2. Why is having an Instagram theme meaningful?
The biggest advantage to having a theme would be consistency. When your brand is consistent in appearance, your audience begins to expect something specific from you. That way, you begin to have a base of trust with your audience. Also, when your photos all look a certain way, people will begin to recognize your posts across the internet. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of marketing, so this is definitely working in your favor.
Additionally, having a theme can make it easier to decide what content to post. When you’ve got a particular look to go for, that narrows down the amount of photos to choose from. This makes it less of a hassle to stick to a content schedule.
3. Does it make a difference?
Honestly, it really depends on your specific circumstances.
Because of Instagram’s algorithm, the content that shows up the most in people’s feeds isn’t necessarily pushed based on appearance. Rather, engagement is largely boosted by the individual or brand itself. Instagram consistently adds updates for people to use to boost engagement (i.e. stickers for Instagram stories), which can be tied into a theme.
If you’re going with a particular color scheme, it’s likely there are ways to match your stickers to the colors you’re using. However, the biggest ways to boost engagement still remain: high quality content, opportunities for direct interaction with your audience, and consistency. As long as you’re sticking to the big three, you can play around with your Instagram theme as much as you’d like.
Ready to start increasing your brand awareness online, but not fully certain where to begin? Don’t worry – contact us here at Blackwood Creative. We’re experts in content marketing and social media strategies. Let’s work together to create something beautiful.