As a business owner or marketing professional, you likely spend a lot of time creating content for your website, blog, and other marketing channels. But have you considered repurposing this existing content for use on social media as well? Here’s what we recommend for breaking up long form content to really shine on social:

  1. Make it chunky: If you have a long-form blog post or published article, consider breaking it up into smaller chunks and sharing it on social media over the course of a few days. This can help to keep your audience engaged and encourage them to come back for more – seeing the same message across platforms really helps to demonstrate your stature as a known and trusted professional.
  2. Create social media-specific content: Take a piece of existing content and create social media-specific versions of it. For example, you could create a series of Instagram stories or TikTok videos based on a blog post you previously wrote. Make sure you have a library of imagery to match the theme.
  3. Use quotes and statistics: If you have a particularly interesting quote or statistic from an existing piece of content, consider sharing it on social media as a standalone post. This can be a quick and easy way to share valuable information with your audience. Infographics are a particularly engaging way to share pertinent info in a visually stimulating way.
  4. Turn text into visuals: Visual content = social media. If you have a piece of text-based content, consider turning it into a visual format like an infographic or a set of slides. This will make the information more appealing and easier to digest, and people love sharing things they can understand and care about!
  5. Share behind-the-scenes content: If you have content that gives your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your business or industry, consider sharing it on social media. This can help to humanize your brand and make you more relatable to your audience.This works no matter your brand aesthetic – serious, silly, or somewhere in-between, people want to see the PEOPLE who make the magic happen, so give ’em a peek!

Repurposing your existing content for use on social media is a great way to get more mileage out of the content you have already created. While you should have a solid marketing plan for creating new content, you can always dig into your archives for relevant information that your audience craves.

3 Keys to Mastering Social Media for your Business

3 Keys to Mastering Social Media for your Business

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