by Blackwood Creative | Jan 5, 2021 | Content Marketing, General, Social Media |
Lately, social media stories seem to be the craze amongst the most popular platforms. Pioneered by Snapchat back in 2013, stories are full-screen, vertical pictures and videos outside of the regular feed which only last 24 hours before disappearing. They provide a...
by Blackwood Creative | Jun 26, 2020 | Content Marketing, General, Social Media |
Here on the Blackwood blog, we emphasize the importance of having a presence “across multiple social media platforms.” Let’s get real: these days, there are a TON of social networking sites out there. They’re in places you don’t even think of – even games like...
by Blackwood Creative | Jan 23, 2020 | Content Marketing, General, Social Media |
Spoiler alert: If we didn’t think Snapchat was relevant, we wouldn’t have bothered to write up this post. But the answers to those questions aren’t as simple as yes or no. We are going to cover two main things in this post: Is Snapchat still relevant?If so, should...
by Blackwood Creative | Dec 17, 2019 | General |
Many times, we’ve been quoted saying that social media is a pay-to-play game. No matter how many times we say it, it never fails to be true! When you’re looking into ways to advertise your business online, it’s reasonable to wonder about the most cost-effective...
by Blackwood Creative | Aug 13, 2019 | Content Marketing, General, Social Media |
Have you ever met someone who just understands you right off the bat?What if your business could be like that for your clients? This just in: your business CAN be like that for your clients. You can click with your clients through a little thing called niche content,...